I’ve always loved words – wonderful, bouncy words that feel delicious in your mouth and roll off your tongue. As soon as I was old enough to write, I made these words into stories. When I was training to be a teacher, I wrote a book for five-year-olds, called Mikki’s Bath.
It was based on the true story about my naughty dog and how he hated having a wash. My lecturer encouraged me to submit it to a publisher. I was so excited and sent it off with great hopes for my future as a famous author! Sadly, it was rejected, and that stung!

But I still had a burning desire to write stories. I decided to try again, and submitted new manuscripts to Sunshine Books. Imagine my excitement when I discovered that Stewed Bugs and Onions and Are We There Yet? were chosen to be published! My husband framed the covers of these books. They still hang in my house.

What I love most is writing stories for our smallest readers – tiny stories that still pack a punch. When I wrote Where Is The Sun?, I wanted to show how amazing our wonderful world is.
Writing is challenging but it is also a lot of fun!