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Sunshine Online Levelled Library for Parents

Sunshine Online consists of two libraries: the Decodable Library and the Levelled Library. They can be purchased separately or together. Please click below for full details on the two libraries.

  • Over 900 e-books (Levels 1–30+)
  • Over 2,000 interactive activities focusing on phonics and words, comprehension, vocabulary, spelling, grammar, fluency and writing.
  • Apple and Android Apps
  • For use on all devices
  • Requires internet connection
  • Allows up to 3 individual users to be logged in
  • 12 month subscription

New Features

  • Parents can now choose to allocate content based on their child’s abilities or interest and can see progress and results in the Admin.
  • All content at all three Learning Spaces in Sunshine Online is available to children as a huge library of titles and activities.
  • Parents can log in up to three children per family.
  • Children have access to a dashboard to see their progress, get certificates and trophies and unlock new avatars.

Parent/Caregiver Dashboard

Add up to 3 children/students

Turn on assign books

Choose individual books or literacy level to assign

Child logs into student area and books appear that have been assigned


Sunshine Online includes a great selection of highly engaging fiction texts by different authors. Text highlighting and narration is available to all texts to support the reader.


The non-fiction e-books feature high-interest and age-appropriate topics that will appeal to all children. Selected titles also have video clips to enhance understanding of the text. Many of the texts are ideal for inquiry-based learning and support STEM education.


Sunshine Online includes fun, interactive activities that explore a wide range of skills. Every book in Sunshine Online is followed by a comprehensive activity or quiz to check on understanding and a read-and-record activity to support reading fluency.


The Staffroom section provides teaching support resources. These include teaching notes, activity sheets, curriculum-linking documents, Skill Overview Charts etc.


Along with a comprehension and fluency activity, selected titles also have video clips to support student understanding.

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