As a child, I loved reading. I have two sisters and three brothers, and one of us was always reading. We read comics, recipe books, magazines, plays, music books and instructions on how to make things, as well as fiction stories. Now I have three children, and I write stories about the things that happen to them. One of my first books published by Sunshine was Why Not Try a Triathlon? My 10-year-old daughter was competing in her first triathlon and my friend took some photos of her, so we wrote a text to match the photos.

I am a primary school teacher and I love teaching reading. There are so many interesting, funny, useful books. We were studying about birds in class, so I wrote a nonfiction book called Bird Feeders. My class also like performing plays, so I wrote Hide-and-Seek, and Five Foolish Friends. I also like travelling and seeing new things.

Reading can help with everything. Reading is not just in books. It is everywhere, which is why I wrote Signs. One of my favourite Sunshine books is Riddles because I like books that make me laugh. What is your class interested in? Maybe they could write a book to read to someone younger. Now that’s given me an idea! Perhaps I should write a book about how to write a book.
Happy reading,
Julie Ellis