Hi, I’m John Carr and I’ve lost count of the number of Sunshine Books I have written but I do know they make a big mess when my granddaughter spreads them all over the floor. She loves my books because there are enough of them to cover the felt-tip scribble marks she has made on the carpet.
I think the main reason I enjoy writing is that I like to make people laugh. Using words to do that is less risky than throwing custard pies at them. There are 26 letters and 44 sounds in the English language and they are shared by nearly one million words.
That gives writers a wonderful playground for having fun with words and for playing games with the people who are reading them.
As an author, I really enjoy visiting schools and sharing my work with the kids. I especially like sharing poems and stories that haven’t found their way into proper books because they are too silly. These seem to be the ones that the kids most enjoy hearing.

Not all of my books are funny. I have written non-fiction books as well. I gave up trying to sneak jokes into them years ago. Non-fiction editors are almost as sensible as school principals. They just won’t let them through!
As well as being a children’s book writer, I draw cartoons for newspapers and perform stand-up comedy and poetry wherever I can find an audience. In my spare time, when I am not picking up copies of my own books off the floor, I enjoy being a rapper. My street name is “J Doggggggg”.
Although my knees won’t let me do as much hip-hop dancing as I used to, I still do it occasionally to entertain my grandchildren. If you want to see my signature move just click on the full-stop at the end of this sentence.
If you want to know more about me, try these links.