My name is Elisa and I love working as a children’s book illustrator. I started drawing during my childhood in a small and peaceful Italian village surrounded by green hills and winding rivers. My village was near the fabulous medieval town of Bologna. I lived with my unique mate, my little cat Minù.

I grew up with two of the best – Roald Dahl and Gianni Rodari but also with Bianca Pitzorno and Jill Barklem.
I think my love of reading stories led me to start drawing my own, following my favourite illustrator Quentin Blake. I attended the art school in Bologna where my passion became a job. The three years spent at the Fine Arts Academy definitely turned the passion into a profession.
I should include my husband in this story. I met him at school and he has always been pushing me to do my best and to never stop dreaming of becoming a children’s book illustrator. Now I am! Love has brought me to Milan where I enjoy my life with my little baby Leonardo who is my inspiration.
I currently work with major Italian children’s publishers – both story and educational books. I also have a long relationship with some American and English publishers.